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Pingdu demonstration area of innovation driven development project of Shandong Association for science and Technology launched



The demonstration area was unveiled.


Qingdao, August 11 (reporter Li Jianxiang and Huang Junyan, correspondent of Li Jianning) recently, the launching ceremony and technology docking fair of Pingdu demonstration area of "innovation driven power project" of Shandong Association for science and technology was held in Pingdu Tonghe cultural activity center, and nearly 400 people attended the launching ceremony. This event marks the official opening of the 2016 Shandong Association for science and technology's undertaking of the functions of the association, serving local industries, promoting scientific and technological innovation and helping Pingdu's innovation driven development project.

The project to boost local innovation driven development is a major measure implemented by Shandong Association for science and technology to deeply implement the requirements of the opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system and accelerating the construction of the national innovation system and the opinions of China Association for Science and technology on implementing the innovation driven development project, The purpose is to give full play to the role of the Association for science and technology and its affiliated societies in helping local innovation driven development, organize and lead the society into the main battlefield of scientific and technological innovation and economic construction, provide scientific and technological and talent support for local economic and social development, promote the connection between scientific and technological innovation resources, innovation achievements and economic development, build a collaborative innovation platform and serve the transformation and upgrading of local economy.

Zhuang jiazha, mayor of Pingdu municipal government, pointed out at the meeting that the start-up and implementation of the innovation driven power project has injected a strong driving force into the healthy development of Pingdu machinery manufacturing industry. Pingdu, as the only provincial innovation driven project demonstration area in Qingdao, will cherish the opportunity and take the initiative to accelerate the establishment of a normalized and long-term cooperation mechanism with Shandong society of mechanical engineering, continuously promote and expand the cooperation achievements, boost the local transformation of more scientific research achievements, and strive to build our city into a demonstration site for sincere cooperation between provincial societies A new benchmark for the innovation driven demonstration zone of the Provincial Association for science and technology.

At the launching ceremony, Ji Hongbo, member of the Party group and vice chairman of the Provincial Association for science and technology, and Liu Huijun, Deputy Secretary General of Qingdao municipal government, unveiled the "provincial innovation driven power project demonstration area" in Pingdu City. Relevant leaders awarded the "provincial innovation driven power engineering service station" for Qingdao xinguangzheng Steel Structure Co., Ltd., Qingdao Desheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Qingdao Zhenghe Industry Co., Ltd., Qingdao Libo auto parts precision casting Co., Ltd. and Qingdao Huadi food ingredients Co., Ltd. Shandong Mechanical Engineering Society signed strategic cooperation agreements with the above five enterprises and Pingdu science, technology and industrial information bureau (Municipal Science and Technology Association).

In the afternoon of that day, in Qingdao Desheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., experts from colleges and universities and institutes held a technology docking conference with 26 enterprises in Pingdu. The experts introduced their professional research directions and specialties respectively. Based on the actual situation of the enterprises, the technical directors of 26 enterprises put forward their technical needs to the experts one by one and held in-depth negotiations, Finally, 22 project cooperation intentions were reached.

Primary editor: Gao Zhongye

Editor in charge: Zhao Yong
